Tuesday, May 23, 2006

i got a job

I got a job today. I guess it is my first job as a grown-up, but not exactly the grown-up job I wanted. But I have a feeling that this job will lead to bigger and better things in my future. I will be working for a company called APEX Alarm in their service department. I'll be doing admin. stuff so not really my dream job, but I will be getting some experience and learning some new skills along with my paycheck. I will still be able to work my scrapbook jobs and it can be flexible enough to nanny sometimes too. I will be busy, but it will be great. Sorry, my Seattle friends and family I will not be coming home to stay quite yet, maybe one day. I love you and will be there soon to visit. I'll keep you all posted. Good night.


michelleyv said...

Congratulations! I have to admit that I'm jumping for joy in all my selfishness. What would I do if you moved away?

merebuff said...

what? I was really hoping that you would join me in NYC...heehee. Congrats on the first "grown-up" job. Those first ones always give you lots of experience.

Anonymous said...

We are impatiently waiting your arrival! We love you and want you to come back and live here by us! We need our Alicia back!! Congrats on your job - even though it's in Utard. We will impatiently wait for you to find your dream job up here where we can see you more often! Love you!

Veronica said...

Welcome to the world of summer sales! It will change your life. Maybe not for the better.