The Farmers are from Fruitland, ID-they don't get out much
The girls first BYU football game, my second
Kaitlin and Nakita, on their way to dinner
The gang, oh how I love these people, on Micah's birthday
How cute are they? They call me Farrar, I love that.
So, you can see I had a wonderful trip. It was so great to spend the first part of my trip with some of the Farmers. It was sad for them to leave Kaitlin, but I took good care of her. It was so awesome to be with Kaitlin her first week at BYU. I loved my BYU experience and I am so excited for her and this time in her life. I got to go to her first ever college class, it was so wonderful! It is a class on the Proclamation on the Family and her teacher is amazing, I am so jealous. It was so great to be on campus. I love that place. My friend Brother Wing now teaches at BYU, Kaitlin and I went to one of his Book of Mormon classes. It was so good to be with my friends. Lindsay let me borrow her car a couple of days, that was very nice. I drove north to visit 2 mission friends and did a quick trip to IKEA. I also was able to take Jeremiah to the airport and we had a great talk on our drive. I love that guy. I ate out a lot and pretty much just hung out. I had a great vacation and can't wait to do it all again. Next time I will see DEREK SWANSON!!!
Alicia, you are looking SO i wish i could of seen you when you were in town!
It was so good to see you! Next time you are in town we need to chill some more!
thanks for coming down with me it was the best present ever! i had tons of fun. love you!
can't wait to see you when you come down again! ;)
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